
Getting tested for STIs in Germany can be a somewhat frustrating process, mainly because if you are over the age of 20, you have to pay - even if you have state health insurance. If you are insured and have the resources, you can get tested for a fee at your gynaecologist or urologist. If you suspect you have an STI, you should be able to get an emergency appointment.

If, for whatever reason, you cannot or would prefer not to get tested this way, there are other places you can go. Berlin has several Centers for Sexual Health and Family Planning (Gesundheitsamt-Beratungstelle für sexuelle Gesundheit) where you can be tested at reduced or removed cost. We have listed those centres which provide STI testing below. The centres may say they require proof of your income to see if you meet the low income requirement, but anecdotally we have not heard of anyone actually having to do this. However, if you have proof of income, i.e. bank statements, then we suggest you bring it along along with your ID. For some services at some centres you may need an appointment so we suggest ringing ahead to check.

We have also listed some other places that offer STI checking services for LGBTQI* folks. Again, our information is not comprehensive, so please let us know if you have any information that we don't!

It is worth noting that both doctors and other centres do not usually do a blanket screening test for all STIs which can be very different to what we expect based on our experiences in other countries. Rather the healthcare professional will try and ascertain, through a discussion with you, which STIs, if any, you are at risk from and then proceed accordingly.



Center for Sexual Health and Family Planning Berlin-Mitte (Tiergarten location):

Address. Potsdamerstr. 65, 10785 Berlin

Phone number (030) 263966930


Languages spoken - German, Bulgarian, Thai.

Resources offered there:

Ways to access services for cheaper or free.

HIV testing is 10 euros or free for low income folks.

Additional notes:

According to the website, this centre appears to not be offering any more STI advice services until further notice. It might be worth calling them to see if this is actually the case. HIV testing available on Tuesdays, but only after pre-arrangement by telephone.


Center for Sexual Health and Family Planning Kreuzberg Friedrichshain:

Address: Urbanstraße 24, 10967 Berlin

Phone number: (030) 90298-8363


Languages spoken - German, English, Bulgarian, Romanian, Turkish, Arabic, Hungarian (check the website to see which languages are offered on different days)

Resources offered there: Anonymous HIV and STI testing services, see information sheet below for further information.

Special ways to access services for cheaper or free: Free STI testing, HIV test costs 10 and free for students or people with lower incomes

Additional notes:  Online Information sheet (in English)-


Center for Sexual Health and Family Planning Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf

Address: Hohenzollerndamm 174, 10713 Berlin

Phone number (030) 90291-6870


Languages spoken - German, possibly more

Resources offered there: see information sheet below.

Online Information sheet (in English) -


LGBTI* Specific:


Mann O Meter

Address Bülowstr. 106 ,10783 Berlin

Phone number 030-216 80 08


Languages spoken:

HIV consultation offered in English. For refugees, appointments can be made for consultation with an interpreter.

Resources offered there:

Services for gay/bisexual men: Counselling, Anonymous STI Testing, Hepatitis A Vaccination.

Special ways to access services for cheaper or free:

HIV, Syphilis and Hepatitis C tests can be combined for a total cost of 15 euros.

Additional notes

Mondays 18-21:30, refugees preferred.

Praxis Prenzlauerberg

Address Danziger Str. 78 b10405 Berlin

Phone number 030 – 44 03 99 72


Resources offered there:

Consultations for HIV-PrEP. STI testing. Anonymous HIV testing. HIV and Hepatitis treatment.

Additional notes:

Consultations for HIV-PrEP are NOT covered by German health insurance.


Berliner Aids Hilfe

Kurfürstenstraße 130

10785 Berlin

Tel.: 030 / 88 56 40 - 0

Languages spoken: English, Polish, Romanian, Spanish, French, Russian.

Resources offered there: Testing, counselling in many languages, telephone or online anonymous support, and support in other areas of life.

Additional notes: Testing for HIV and syphilis cost 15 euros together.